Friday, May 13, 2011

The magician's last rabbit.

Hello jane, how's the game?

My brother's home! :) Now I can nag someone with my boredom.

I'm thinking about going to Mason Gross next semester instead of Uarts. :\ I got a scholarship that would basically pay my tuition, so I figure that's better for everyone.
It was pretty awesome. I asked the woman I'm corresponding with at the school if there was any scholarship I could apply for and she got me this! Wow, it pays off to ask. Always ask!
I really wish I could go to SCAD, but it's too much money (I'd be paying off 800$ a month for the next 30 yearsssss) and i'd also have to start as a sophmore. So i'd have to pay 3 years instead of 2. Wah!

what else.

I've also planted a grape vine in the backyard and sunflowers in the front! I hope it'll make my Mawh happy, seeing as she's been sad/stressed the past couple days. :\ I want to buy her sneakers and some comfortable clothes so she can go out after work. :)

this is Belpah, he's a fantastical Kazakh hunter! I'm going to try to make an animation this summer about him and his adventures. :)

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